Posts Tagged ‘ squee ’

twelve drummers drumming

Season's Greetings


The holiday season has been pretty quiet.  My shoulder is still giving me some trouble, and now I’m coming down with a cold.  But I do have some new books to read and review, which is always exciting.  And I do need to drag my husband to see TRON.

Have a great New Year!

Time we saw a miracle

Have you ever received a book in the mail, and had no idea who it came from or why it was sent to you?  ‘Cause I’m having one of those days.  Unexpected book presents are lovely, of course, and the timing is excellent.

Shoulder is still not in good shape, though liberal application of ice the past few days and my regular chiro appointment mean that I can move my fingers without making my shoulder and neck scream (it’s more of a loud cry), which means I can type.  Somewhat awkwardly and slowly, and with lots of breaks and as little movement of my arms as possible.  Who thought I’d ever find a use for playing piano ten years ago?  It’s looking like I have done something (nice and specific, no?) to the shoulder joint, and there is also a pinched nerve in my neck.

One good thing about the shoulder thing is that I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the Kindle the past few days, and I’ve caught up on my TV shows.  I love my PVR.  I did also watch a 19 Kids and Counting marathon, I’m ashamed to say, when there was nothing else on and I was too sore to hold the Kindle.  But we’ll pretend that never happened.  At least now I have a lovely new book to read!  I love ebooks for their convenience and the ability to multi-task while reading, but there is a certain something about physical books that i just love.

I also received my first item from Eden Fantasys for review yesterday, in a tragic case of bad timing.  I suppose it at least puts off the decision of whether to post sex toy reviews here or on a separate blog for a few more days.

Procrastinate, moi?

Scruffy-looking nerf-herder

From Etsy: Mini Han Solo and Princess Leia ornaments!

Are they not the cutest things evar?

you know what I love?


So my Christmas present arrived early yesterday, instead of the ~two weeks Roger was given as estimated delivery.  And I got to open it!

It’s a Kindle! And a pretty leather case!  And I am so frickin’ excited and it is the best gift ever!

It also came with a gift card.  Considering my undying love for Caroline Linden after she sent me a free ARC of A Rake’s Guide to Seduction, I had to make my first Kindle purchase the other two Reece books, What a Gentleman Wants and What a Rake Desires.  Unsure what to spend the rest of it on so far, but there is no rush.  I also grabbed a few of Amazon’s free ebooks, so there are lots of potential book reviews incoming.  As well as a post about the utter fail that is Sl. L. Farrell’s A Magic of Twilight.

I took the Kindle for its first outing today, to the walk-in medical clinic with Roger, and it was awesome for reading while in the waiting room.  I will have to do a full review/squee at some point, perhaps with pictures.  But right now I am off to beat my remote into submission so I can catch up on this week’s Dancing With the Stars.

today’s entry is brought to you by the letter A

Japanese Bridge by TOTGStock

That would be A for Awesome.

Count yourselves fortunate.  I have had The Day From Hell, and on my way finally-heading-home I was planning a ranting entry today, instead of the linkspam and beef stew crockpot recipe that I had originally planned.

But!  I arrived home to find my second set of plans awry, because I am just Too Damn Excited to write the rant.

The lovely Caroline Linden had agreed to send me an old ARC of her 2008 novel A Rake’s Guide to Seduction, which was sitting in the mailbox when I got home, much to my excitement.  So now my plans for the remainder of the afternoon are to sit down with a cup of orange pekoe and start in on Rake while the stew happily simmers away in the crockpot… Mmm.

But worry not.  I will probably rant tomorrow instead.