Posts Tagged ‘ dwts ’

you know what I love?


So my Christmas present arrived early yesterday, instead of the ~two weeks Roger was given as estimated delivery.  And I got to open it!

It’s a Kindle! And a pretty leather case!  And I am so frickin’ excited and it is the best gift ever!

It also came with a gift card.  Considering my undying love for Caroline Linden after she sent me a free ARC of A Rake’s Guide to Seduction, I had to make my first Kindle purchase the other two Reece books, What a Gentleman Wants and What a Rake Desires.  Unsure what to spend the rest of it on so far, but there is no rush.  I also grabbed a few of Amazon’s free ebooks, so there are lots of potential book reviews incoming.  As well as a post about the utter fail that is Sl. L. Farrell’s A Magic of Twilight.

I took the Kindle for its first outing today, to the walk-in medical clinic with Roger, and it was awesome for reading while in the waiting room.  I will have to do a full review/squee at some point, perhaps with pictures.  But right now I am off to beat my remote into submission so I can catch up on this week’s Dancing With the Stars.